

Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 1.34.45 PM

8:00 am  Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10:30am   Holy Eucharist, Rite II

  • a joyful celebration with hymns and other music in modern language

11:30am   Sunday Fellowship

  • coffee and snacks in a casual atmosphere

*Holy Day services as announced

Bible Study

Sacraments and Pastoral Offices

Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 1.45.37 PMHoly Baptism

Baptism is the door through which we pass to membership in the Body of Christ, the Church. St. Luke’s offers the Sacrament of Baptism several times a year to those who have decided to commit themselves to Christ in the fellowship of the Church. The Sacrament is offered also to the children of those who have themselves committed themselves to Christ. If you seek Baptism for yourself or your child, you need to attend the worship services of the Church and become familiar with our beliefs, then express your own commitment to Christ through Baptism. The Baptism of children presumes the active faith of the parent(s) and sponsor(s). At the same time, Baptism is open to anyone who publicly commits to Christ, regardless of background or condition.


(August 2018 was a joyous one at St. Luke’s as we celebrated the baptisms of Elizabeth, Mariah, and Mariska.)

Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation

Those who have reached maturity and have not been previously confirmed in the Church by a Bishop may be presented for Confirmation in the Church. This is the rite by which an adult or mature adolescent takes on the responsibilities of Baptism personally. It is appropriate for those who were baptized as infants and for those who are coming to this Church from another Church that does not have the ministry of Bishops. Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and some others are considered confirmed by this Church if they are confirmed in their Church of origin. From time to time some persons will want to mark a life transition by publicly reaffirming their own Baptismal vows. This is done at a service of Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation at which the Bishop presides. These services are scheduled annually for each region of the Diocese, and may be done during a Bishop’s Visitation to the parish.


Marriage is the union of two persons in heart, mind, and body in the Name of God. This Church offers the rite of the Solemnization of Marriage to those partners who are a part of its community, including those of the same sex. At least one of the Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 1.49.06 PMpartners must be a Baptized Christian. If you would like to be married at St. Luke’s, you must speak with the clergy before you set any particular date.  Any marriage must be requested at least thirty days before the proposed date. Marriage is available for those who have been previously married, under certain particular conditions, including the consent of the Bishop. Such marriages require a minimum sixty-day waiting period. If you do not have a Church affiliation and would like to be married at St. Luke’s, you would need to become a part of the worshiping community.

Burial of the Dead

St. Luke’s offers the rite of Burial to any family or individual who desires it. Christian Burial will be offered to those who were baptized Christians, and other appropriate rites and prayers will be available to non-Christians.


The Rite of Reconciliation of a Penitent is available to any who desire to confess their sins in the presence of a Priest. This rite available by appointment. The classic Anglican stance towards Confession is that “none must…….all may…….some should.”

Flower and Candle Memorials

Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 2.05.22 PMEach Sunday (except during Lent) flowers are placed on the altar, and each week the Sanctuary Candle burns to mark the sacramental Presence of Our Lord in the Reserved Sacrament. Parishioners may make a donation to designate the flowers or the candle in memory of loved ones (anniversaries of a death, for instance) or in honor of the living (to mark a birthday perhaps).

Healing Ministry

Each Sunday at the Eucharist a prayer minister is available to pray with you for healing for yourself or others, or for any other intention. From time to time the community gathers immediately after the Eucharist for special services of prayer for those who need healing. Holy Unction is administered to those who desire it at these meetings.

Memorial Garden

Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 1.42.50 PMOn the south side of the Church building is the St. Luke’s Memorial Garden and the Columbarium. The garden is a quiet place for meditation. In its soil rest the ashes of a number of our Departed. Across the garden against the wall stand the Columbarium, in which rest the ashes of other Departed. Interment in the Garden or Columbarium is available at the discretion of the Rector. Certain charges apply.